Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Years Resolutions 2015

Happy New Year!!

I'm hoping that 2015 is going to be my most balanced year yet.  I find that I am focusing a lot on work and doing virtually nothing for myself or my family.  So, I am hoping to gain more balance and be more productive in my life.  I know people who don't like "new year's resolutions," but I always like to take the time at the new year to reflect on where I am and where I want to go.  The reality of this past year is that I am actually no further this year, with the exception of my promotion, than I was last year.  I am trying to structure my life to help me get where I want to go.

I will start with my crafting goals because this is my crafting blog.  Although, I am thinking about making it my "everything" blog and talking about my crafts, fitness, personal stuff blog.  Crafting has always been my stress outlet.  It is something I do to unleash some creativity and use a different part of my brain.  I want to do something crafty at least once per week.  However, I want to post on my blog more often.  I have lots of projects that I haven't posted that I need to.  Maybe I have enough to kind of get my started while I do some of these things.  My paper pumpkin subscription will help out with this too.  Everything is pre done and I just have to put it together. 

I also have a plan to take a picture everyday this year.  I saw this go around last year, and I thought it was a cool idea so I remembered it... for a whole year.  Every week I'm going to upload these pictures to shutter fly, put together a book, and then order it at the end of the year.  My spouse does not think I am going to last, but I have faith.  I think this is a really cool concept.... and I'm excited to try it. 

I want to read at least 20 books.  These can be personal or leadership related (but the CARF manual won't count).  I think this one may be hard because I have so much of a learning curve at work that I will have to take stuff home to read and work on.  But, I also need to make time for me so we are going to try it.  Once I get into a book, I can usually finish it pretty quickly (if I like it).  Then, I can write my book reviews on my blog.

I also want to get healthy.  This includes working out and eating right.  I'm going to do body revolution, make meal plans, track my calories, and do all of those things I know I am supposed to do.  I really need to do this.  More details about my fitness goals will be on my fitness blog, and I don't want to make this post hella long. 

I also want to do well in my new position.  I am going to have a plan and really work on developing my leadership skills.  That is where a lot of my focus and attention is going.  I know I am going to be consumed with this in the next year, so I am going to do my best while remaining balanced. 

To do all of these things, I need to start finding my motivation because I lost it somewhere along the way.  I think I'm going through a funk because of some stuff going on throughout my life.  I think the above is what is going to get me out of the funk, it is just a matter of getting started. 

Happy New Year!!!  Thank you for reading my blog and following me.  I appreciate everyone and look forward to the new year!!

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